

We watched quite a bit of the celebrations today which centered on children particpating.

If you like medieval music then you will like this video of a sound check by musicians for this evenings performance

A 2 minute compilation of the children's calendimaggio


I have no idea how to get rid of the black bits top and bottom. However what it lacks in technical polish the video makes up for with impossible cuteness. Watch out for what happens at 1'.30". Never work with children and animals!


I love how one of the soldiers completely forgot his sword and delayed the whole

procession in the video below

a digression on the coronation of Charles 2 in the UK

Surprisingly, things are quite normal in Assisi on coronation day and NO we are not watching it.

There is a delicious irony in the scraping and fawning of the Brits over Mr Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Oh sorry yes, the family changed their name didn't they because it was a touch ...ahem....GERMAN. Windsor is just so much more BRITISH.

If there is one image that sums up the entire contemptible entitlement and infantile cosplay of the family that claims God was involved in anointing Mr. Gotha it's the Monarch's repulsive and corrupt brother. Had this ridiculously garbed man been, say, a civil servant he would undoubtedly have been standing in front of a jury by now. However one  law for the royals and all that... But hey, that's just a personal opinion. 

heres some much nicer pics!

click pics if you want to enlarge them.